Michael Medved's take on the Oscar noms.
I found this passage shockingly novel and well-conceived: 2005, top nominations went to films that went out of their way to assault or insult the sensibilities of most believers. Both Million Dollar Baby (nominated for seven awards, including best picture, best director, best actor and best actress) and The Sea Inside (nominated for best foreign-language film) portray assisted suicide as an explicitly and unequivocally "heroic" choice. Their success suggests that if Hollywood ever gets around to making "The Jack Kevorkian Story," it, too, would become an automatic candidate for major awards.
Meanwhile, Vera Drake (nominated for best actress, best director and best original screenplay) portrays abortion in a positive, almost sacramental light, while Kinsey (nominated for best supporting actress) ridicules the religious orthodoxy of the main character's father and portrays all conventional inhibitions about sexuality as outmoded, ignorant and destructive.
At the same time, the Spanish-language film The Motorcycle Diaries earned significant recognition for best adapted screenplay with its nostalgic, deeply affectionate portrayal of the idealistic young man who became the Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara. For Hollywood, it seems, a murderous, anti-American Marxist guerrilla counts as less controversial than Jesus Christ.
I'll tell you what really kills me...the GRAVITY that ushers in a film like "Million Dollar Baby", as if Clint is Moses and we're getting some additional Commandments. It's soooooooo silly. I mean, here's a guy who had 50 years to figure out how to do it, and spent most of those years making revenge fantasies.
As far as both Kinsey and Howard Hughes being scumbags, well of course they were scumbags. The Hollywood formula is to glorify the scumbag. Nothing is more fun for the teen male(and Blue State adult) than to see some idiot "hero" living out every fantasy available on the planet, and proclaiming it "all good".
I just can't get over the "Leo" interview in which he kept responding to questions with "dawg" this and "dawg" reference to choosing roles he said, "Ya gotta be smart dawg."
I rest easier at night knowing that our youth are being led by such giants of intellect.
I often wonder, how did Mel make it in this industry with his Christian insides?
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