Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I walked to the school that serves as the east Hollywood Hills voting place at 6:40am. My neighborhood is about 80% entertainment industry people, and, pretty much, successful ones.

There were already about 20 tense people in line, even though the polls didn't open till 7am. People were standing there all grim and silent, and then a weird thing happened.

We were lined up along Franklin, which is a major thoroughfare that runs at the base of the hills. A red car at the school corner a few yards from us, was waiting to make a right-hand turn while the crosswalk escorted a couple of five year olds and their nanny (I presume) across the street.

All of a sudden, we heard screeching tires and then a car that was looking at the
line of voters smashed into the rear of the red car. Nearsighted though I am, I instinctively made a note of the license number. Everyone in line watched in shock as the smashing car, watched the red car pull over around the corner, and then zoom away - a hit and run. People started yelling and shaking fists. I said the license number aloud, and the lady next to me (in a "Whack Bush" T-shirt) helpfully offered me a pen and paper to jot it down. She said, "Go help her. I'll hold your place in line."

Three of us approached the distraught red car driver, who was looking at her dented bumper. We had all jotted down the offending car's license number and car info, and provided our phone numbers in case she needs witnesses. When we walked back to the line, people started applauding. The ice broken, everyone spent the next twenty minutes talking about the incident. It was a nice American moment, and I felt better about today, regardless of what happens.

When the poll doors opened, we all filed in, most of us gripping the voter booklet that had been sent us by the State. Mine specified that I should vote at the "Green Table." The lady ahead of me was an "Orange Table" and the fellow behind, "Blue Table." When we got inside, there was one long line with no obvious distinctions between the three sets of tables and polls in the auditorium. I leaned across the red, white and blue streamers meant to keep us in line and asked a poll-worker lady, "I am supposed to be voting at the green table. Where is that?" She said, "Huh?"

So, the lady in front of me waved her booklet, "And I am orange. Where do
I go?" The poll worker shrugged, "There is no green and orange here."

Then, I noticed that at the front of the room, written on a black board in chalk were the words "GReEN tABle" (kind of just like that - five year old handwriting). The three poll workers were sitting in front of it eating donuts and talking to each other without any voters to distract them. I broke out of the line and said, "Is this the green table?" One of them said, "Yeah." I said, "Why don't you put something green on it? People don't know which of the three sides of the room to go to, so everyone is milling around..." The lady said, "Yeah, somebody should do that."

I made my way to the person recording L-Z people. She asked my name and found me in her print-out. I tried to show her my license but she said, "We don't need that." I said, "Really. Cause I'd kind of feel better if you looked at it." She said, "It's against the law. We aren't to cause voters any undue burden." I said, "But how do you know I am me?" She shrugged, "We trust."

In the poll booth, I did the Bush-Cheney thing, and then Bill "Not a Chance Against Boxer" Simon (or is it Jones? He hasn't exactly run a hell of a campaign), and then was disgusted to see that my Congressional Rep, Diane Watson (D) is running unopposed - unless you count the Libertarian guy - who got my vote, btw. Times like these, I almost wish I was pro-choice so I could run for Congress from Hollywood, CA.

The only thing controversial on the ballot here in CA are the 17 referenda. Prop 71, for example, is on the ballot as an additional "Screw Bush" measure. This measure is to allocate $6 Billion dollars to breed baby humans in utero, and then suck out their cerebral cortexes, so as to heal ailments in selfish baby boomers. This, in a state with a $50 Billion dollar debt! Thanks, Arnold.

Anyway, it took me twenty minutes to vote and get out of there. Leaving
the building at about 7:20am, I noted that there were probably about
seventy-five people in line.

The local news are reporting huge lines all over the city. Good, I guess.

I went to Mass right after and was comforted by the first reading for
today...tell me these things are accidents:

Wisdom 3,1-9.

But the souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall
touch them...For if before men, indeed, they be punished, yet is their hope
full of immortality; Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed,
because God tried them and found them worthy of himself. As gold in the
furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to
himself. In the time of their visitation they shall shine, and shall dart
about as sparks through stubble;

They shall judge nations and rule over peoples, and the LORD shall be their
King forever. Those who trust in him shall understand truth, and the
faithful shall abide with him in love: Because grace and mercy are with his
holy ones, and his care is with the elect.

God bless America.


Anonymous said...

Barb, it's interesting to me that you are so eager to share with us whom you voted for when you aren't sure of one candidate's last name or that another is running unopposed. I would have hoped that someone with your intelligence, thoughtfulness and interest in the issues would have been more informed. Voting for all Republican candidates might provide some comfort that you are voting for those who share your beliefs, but Republicans can vary widely in their stances, as can Democrats (even the President said last week that he thinks gay civil unions are OK if the states OK them -- which I found shocking). I guess what I'm saying is that I'm surprised that you would gloss over your lack of knowledge about these candidates when you write so passionately about political issues in your blog.

Anonymous said...

An alien on the sidelines I can only pray for the welfare of the land in which I am (happily) exiled and just love you Americans to death. Never have I experienced such holy, smart and passionate friends on both sides of the ballot. The only annoying thing for me was the inability to talk with my Bush friends about Bush's shortcomings and my Kerry friends about his. Even waving my Canadian flag and crying, "no, I'm really just asking!" did not provide amnity -- simply bringing up the name of the opposition without the mandatory Sneer of Derision was cause to be labeled and dismissed from either party! Fascinating. Anyway -- God Bless you all and your Great Nation, whomever wins. I look forward to becoming a citizen and getting all worked up in '08. Look for the Socialist ticket resurfacing Barb!

Jakubczyk on Life said...

Barbara, I found a certain calm at mass today both with the readings and with the priests comments. He reminded us that God has given us this tremendous gift of His Son, the gift of His grace and the gift of Baptism. Considering all that is happening, I asked the saints to intercede for us and to help all the pro life candidates.

One other thing - do you remember Tony Conigliario? I met him whe I was 10 years old and have a baseball signed by him. I have another signed by the entire 1964 team. They used to train in Scottsdale and I would go over after school and watch them practice. We would stand right next to the palyers while they took batting practice in the cage with the pitching machine. We'd hang on the netting and talk to them. What simple pleasant times they were to a boy who loved baseball.

Rae Stabosz said...

Christy wrote, "Barb, it's interesting to me that you are so eager to share with us whom you voted for when you aren't sure of one candidate's last name or that another is running unopposed."

I like the fact that Barb doesn't censor herself, try to appear more informed than she is, or flagellate herself for not being a perfect citizen. Blogs are many things but I think they work best as journals that we're allowed to read and comment on. The hardest part of keeping a journal is stopping the internal censor from prettying up one's thoughts and recordings. Rae Stabosz

Anonymous said...

Rae, there is a big difference between being a "perfect citizen" and simply knowing the names of the candidates for whom you are voting, especially for US Senate.
Of course people can write anything they darn well please in their blogs, and self-effacement can help people relate better. But when writers (or speakers) express strong opinions, yet reveal that they are uninformed, they make it difficult for others to respect their viewpoints. I'm not just picking on Barb for this because I've seen it in other blogs, and in the media, especially during the last few months. And we are all guilty of it to varying degrees -- I couldn't tell you diddly about Sudan, for example, and that's sinful. But then again, I wouldn't write about it and expect people to respect my opinion either.

Anonymous said...

"My neighborhood is about 80% entertainment industry people, and, pretty much, successful ones."
This is true. I see John Boy from the Waltons at the Gelsons around the corner almost weekly.

victor said...

Bush is elected to a second term and ABC has a positive portrayal of Catholicism (tonight's episode of "Lost" had a very positive scene involving a principal character, a priest, and an old-skool confessional -- I really, really love that show and it's constant redemptive themes. It's like Joan of Arcadia for adults), all within 24 hours.

Things may be looking up.

Phineas T. Chamberpot said...
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Anonymous said...

Someone thought Barb was intelligent, thoughtful and interested in the issues?

You haven't been reading this blog enough.

Anonymous said...

And Flannery might say to that last Anonymous...
*To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.*

Anonymous said...

O Blog Troll! You are so transparent.

How does it feel that 11 different states put the smack down on your favorite hobby horse?

~Luis Cannon

Phineas T. Chamberpot said...

One should not confuse knowledge of issues with knowledge of politicians.

The former is a sign of a liberally educated person.

The latter is just icky.

Anonymous said...

How strange that people attack Barbara based on a sarcastic JOKE she was making about politicians!

Phineas T. Chamberpot said...

Yes, sarcasm is certainly underappreciated in the Blog-O-Sphere.

There is however plenty of cynicism thrown around (which I like to think of as sarcasm without any humor).

Cynthia Duck said...

Leave it to a writer to remember to get the license number. Thanks for being such a good (And bi-partisan) citizen on election day!

Listening to the media "explain" why Bush won the election has made a pretty interesting week.

Have missed reading your blog lately. You're really funny in a sarcastic, but truthful sort of way. Hope it's intentional.

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