Thursday, May 15, 2008

Towards an Ever More Perfect Blog Roll

- Friend, screenwriting group partner, Act One alumna and new Catholic Jen Dornbush has a blog! Egggggggcellent! A little more and she can start traveling around the country talking to groups about why Christians need to be in Hollywood! Nunc dimitis.

Check her out here.

- Also adding the folks at New Advent, because they link to me fairly regularly and when they do it means about 500 more people drop in for a visit. New Advent is a synthesis of Catholic writing around the Web. It is always affirming when they select something from COTM for their site.

- And then I've added my second cousin Tessa's blog under "Family Members on Line." Tessa has just finished her freshman year at the University of Dallas, and her blog is an ongoing musing over the great Great Books that she is reading there. She's getting a better education than most of which my young writers can even dream. It is a motivational thing for most of us to read her posts and feel shamefully ignorant.

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