Wednesday, May 14, 2008

See Barb in World

And seeing our theme today is "Where in the Christian Media is Barb N?", here is an article in World Magazine from an interview I did during the whirlwind that was the Austin "Transforming the Culture" conference last month. The piece is part of a regular column that plays as "a day in the life" of some Christian out there who is trying to be yeasty in the lump.

It was a different kind of interview for me because they didn't want my opinions on things, but basically, just wanted to know what it was like to be a screenwriter. Okay, I can do that.

Here's a snip...

Nicolosi is an intense, fast-talking former nun. Still a Catholic, she carries hints of her New Jersey roots in her voice... she leans forward in her chair to explain the problem she's been wrestling with for three months—how to show, in a script set during the French Revolution, that a Carmelite nun has turned to the dark side. Show, don't tell: "What can she do to show she's lost her faith?"

Some screenwriters might leave a hole and go on, but Nicolosi says she's not that kind. The problem has become a big block: "I roll out of bed, wake up, and it's the first thing in my head."

Am I fast-talking? Maybe in Texas? My favorite part of that last was the phrase, "still a Catholic" - Like it's a dying species or something! Oh, and the end has a bit of a mistake. The person who said the "you rocked my world" thing had read a script of mine - not seen a movie of mine. (Heavy sigh. Time to get a drink.)

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