Thursday, August 11, 2005

Big Mouthed Bass Relax!

...for Barb "Scourge of Great Pond" has left the Belgrade Lakes Region.

Just coming from three days of fishing and splashing around in Maine with the Nicolosis and Pattons. (And, soory, AL, but that fish I caught the first night was the biggest of the week. It was too!) It was great, if a little too much Maine for my tastes these last few decades. When I was a kid, I was compelled to put up with Maine people's 'last planet before the Zondorian black hole' weirdness. But, now that I am adult, I can marvel aloud, that Maine people are too far off the beaten track to realize they are way, way far off the beaten track. And so I can return to Southern Cal where things are normal. Ahem.

Now, I'm in Orlando for a couple days talking Act One to tanned Legatans.

Meanwhile, my office is telling me that CNN and the Today Show are trying to track me down to talk about The Da Vinci Code. Here's my official position: "Oh, leave me alone! This is Amy Welborn's way to heaven, I believe, and I have no intention of trespassing on her cross. I will talk about Hollywood and culture, but right now, idiotic books that make Jesus into a hypocritical lying nymphomaniac are not my schtick of choice. Call me once I've seen the movie..."

You can quote me.


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