Well, the long-awaited cruise to the Caribbean with my sister is now a memory. It felt weird every now and then to be cruising around splendidly while the images of Katrina were everywhere in our heads, in the papers and on the satellite TV. There was a priest on board who said daily Mass and his first homily was about the tragedy and how we should feel about it from the vantage point of sipping margaritas on deck while listening to Jamaican kettle drum music. The gist was that we should try and make some sacrifices during the cruise. The cruise line also took up a running collection for the victims of the disaster all during the tour.
Except for periodic swells of guilt - the cruise was great. We went horseback-riding on the beach, snorkeling in Tortola and Nassau, slot-pulling in a casino, shopping in St. Thomas and just being languid and relaxed while Mother Nature gently rocked us through lovely blue-green vistas. The best part was being with Alison for a nice long visit. It was great.
Came back to a pile of new mail from folks who read the Newsweek piece. There were five obscure or self-published books that absolutely must be turned into screenplays - presumably by me for free. There were three DVD's of homemade feature films - presumably that I am supposed to launch a production/distribution company to get into theaters. Then there were about forty emails from people who want to be writers or actors...or just anything in Hollywood. One person wanted to know what I had really done to get thrown out of the convent. (Me: "Uh well, I guess, be real Catholic?")
Thanks so much to Dan Ewald for writing so well and often while I was away. I hope Dan starts a blog of his own very soon!
Hi Barbara,
Is there anything like Gegrapha www.gegrapha.org, an organization for Christians in journalism, in professions related to Hollywood?
I'm Joe Carson, P.E., a deeply concerned Christian who is, by vocation, a nuclear safety engineer for a federal agency.
There is no collective and intentional Christian influence in the engineering profession, no theology that addresses whether or to what degree there should be one, and no viable organizational vehicle to facilitate its expression.
I'm saying that as the co-founder and current President of the Affiliation of Christian Engineers and a 51 year old, who has held a number of leadership positions in several major engineering professional societies in my 30 year engineering career.
From communicating with a leader of Gegrapha (which Terry Mattingly belongs to), apparently contrary to its vision statement, it is not about "transforming" the journalism profession, it is a fellowship organization - a mutual support group - that has no precedent or plan to collectively and intentionally influence the journalism profession (I think it is because doing so requires sticking one's neck out in one's profession, which is, for most professionals, quite sobering, given that one's standing in one's profession is a most valuable thing.
I am trying to organize a small group of engineers and theologians to collectively and intentionally seek God's will for the engineering profession, document the results in an academically rigorous treatise, and take it from there.
So I think our missions may overlap a bit and would appreciate any ideas/feedback/names of possibly interested engineers/theologians you may have.
We have a website, www.christianengineer.org and a blog which is linked to the website. If you do a internet search on "christian engineer" you'll find the organization quite readily.
I'm glad you have a great trip. My wife's family is from New Orleans, and her parents are with us now. Their home is okay, but they are waiting until utilities are restored to return.
I suggest that a lack of a intentional and collective Christian influence in the engineering profession contributed to the existence and persistence of design flaws that led to the unexpected failure of the interior levees in New Orleans and resulting disaster.
I do not think Jesus gave his disciples a cultural commission to be "salt, light, and leaven" in their spheres of influence if their failure to do so made no tangible difference.
Joe Carson, P.E.
President, Affilation of Christian Engineers
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telecharger jeux d avion a telecharger jeux d echec a telecharger jeux de billard a telecharger jeux de carte a telecharger jeux de tarot jeux de voiture jeux flash a telecharger jeux gratiut a telecharger jeux gratuis a telecharger jeux gratuit a telecharger jeux pc a telecharger gratuit jeux pc a telecharger gratuitement jeux pc a telecharger jeux pc gratuit a telecharger jeux pc telecharger gratuitement jeux pokemon a telecharger jeux pour enfant a telecharger jeux video a telecharger gratuitement jeux video a telecharger jeux video gratuit a telecharger kazaa lite telecharger kazaa lite kazaa telecharger kazaa logiciel a telecharger gratuit logiciel a telecharger gratuitement logiciel a telecharger logiciel antivirus logiciel de mixage logiciel de telechargement logiciel gratuit a telecharger logiciel gratuit logiciel musique logiciel photo mc afee messenger 7.5 messenger 7.5 messenger msn messenger plus messenger motif tatouage mp3 gratuit telecharger mp3 gratuit mp3 telecharger 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gratuite musique mp3 musique mp3 a telecharger nero burning serveur emule shareaza telecharger sims 2 telechargement sims 2 telecharger telechargement film telechargement film cinema telechargement film divx telechargement film gratuit telechargement logiciel telecharger antivirus telecharger antivirus gratuit telecharger chanson telecharger clone cd telecharger emoticone telecharger emoticone gratuit telecharger emule telecharger emule gratuit telecharger emule gratuitement telecharger gratuitement e mule telecharger gratuitement emule telecharger gratuitement kazaa telecharger gratuitement logiciel telecharger gratuitement msn telecharger gratuitement msn 7.5 telecharger gratuitement msn messenger telecharger gratuitement shareaza telecharger jeu pc telecharger jeu pc gratuit telecharger kazaa en francais telecharger kazaa gratuit telecharger kazaa gratuitement telecharger kazaa lite telecharger les sims 2 telecharger les sims gratuit telecharger les sims gratuitement telecharger 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a telecharger jeux de carte a telecharger jeux d echec a telecharger jeux de tarot jeux de voiture jeux flash a telecharger jeux gratiut a telecharger jeux gratuis a telecharger jeux gratuit a telecharger jeux pc a telecharger gratuit jeux pc a telecharger gratuitement jeux pc a telecharger jeux pc gratuit a telecharger jeux pc telecharger gratuitement jeux pokemon a telecharger jeux pour enfant a telecharger jeux video a telecharger gratuitement jeux video a telecharger jeux video gratuit a telecharger kazaa lite telecharger kazaa lite kazaa telecharger kazaa logiciel a telecharger gratuitement logiciel a telecharger logiciel antivirus logiciel de mixage chanson a telecharger film gratuit a telecharger jeu a telecharger gratuitement jeux a telecharger gratuitement logiciel a telecharger gratuit logiciel de telechargement logiciel gratuit a telecharger logiciel musique motif tatouage msn messenger 7.0 msn messenger telecharger musique a telecharger gratuitement musique a telecharger 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