The Oscar Noms are out, affirming once again, just how very, very sick America’s storytellers have become. I know many of you are very dismissive of the culture’s storytellers, but that is short-sighted. A country with sick storytellers dreams sick dreams, or doesn’t dream at all. Both are societal suicide.
When Jesus healed, some people called Him a demon. Jesus then noted that, “All sins will be forgiven men, except the sin against the Holy Spirit.” The sin against the Holy Spirit, is seeing something that is good, something that God reveals to your inner being as good, and, then, calling it evil. In the same way, we could argue that it is a sin against the Holy Spirit to see something that is evil, and call it good.
So, this year, the top Oscar nominations have gone to…
…a movie that makes a hero out of a man who murders his adopted daughter.
…a movie that makes a hero out of an abortionist.
…a movie that makes a hero out of a discredited researcher who was obsessed with sex and encouraged many others to experiment with various perversions.
…a movie that lionizes a billionaire narcissist who died insane from syphilis.
…a movie that suggests it is funny when an engaged man sets off for a week of debauchery before his marriage with his drunkard best friend.
…a movie that glamorizes four alley cats dressed as beautiful people who fornicate and commit adultery with each other, and indulge in various sexual perversions until the movie ends.
…a movie that makes a hero out of a paraplegic in despair who wants to kill himself.
The truth is, secular Hollywood had next to nuthin' this year. Really. Except for Neverland and the kids movie Incredibles, they got nuthin' this year to give an award to. Nuthin' that people will be watching in five years -- nevermind in fifty. I remember thinking several times during the year as several highly anticipated films turned out to be dreadful (ir. Alamo, Alexander, Troy, Sky Captain), "Wow, God. Your movie was already a global and cinematic phenomenon - do You really have to decimate all the competition too?!"
To my fellow Christian critics who have spent the year straining out gnats and swallowing camels, I have to say that, sometimes, we can be so abstruse that it makes us obtuse. I think this comes as a reaction against the knee-jerk condemnation of pop-culture that is so wrong in much of the Christian community. As a result, lots of us who love movies, end up minimizing the obvious distortion in a project and focus on its subtle strengths. But the fact remains, if a good man would turn his face in disgust and shame from what is on the screen, that should inform our own discernment about a movie. We can get so caught up in technique, that we are essentially gobbling down well-prepared sewerage. "Stunningly arranged!" "Daringly conceived!" "Strikingly performed!" - it's still just poisonous shit.
What makes this year's noms even darker is the fact that there was this one big cinematic elephant out there that, as we all predicted, was passed over for all the top awards. This movie was...…
…the biggest independent movie in cinema history.
….the third biggest box-office movie of the year. (standing corrected)
….a movie that moved millions of people to tears, had the entire world talking, and even led several murderers to turn themselves in!
…the most courageous directoral achievement since Citizen Kane.
…which just happened to be the story of the redemption of the world by the Son of God. Too bad.
Call it the revenge of the blue states. It is a fool-hardy thing to look the global audience in the eye and spit…never mind doing it at a self-glorifying orgy!
P.S. (For Jeffrey) I do not think it is a sin against the Holy Spirit to not like TPOTC! My use of the Scripture text was to point to the industry throwing accolades at films that are essential depraved in their themes. In some cases - generally acting - these films are remarkable -- but we can't let the excellence in craft obscure the fact that the hearts of these projects are 'rotten and full of dead men's bones.'
However, if I had the time - and maybe I will find it - I could demonstrate that the films up for the most Oscars this year are not stellar examples of craft. In several cases, the films are sub-standard...which is pretty much why I posted this in the first place. Why, oh why, would the Academy want to give awards to mediocre films? The same reason so many folks voted for John Kerry. Anybody but Bush - Any film but the one about Jesus!
i was actually afraid of "the Passion of the Christ" getting nominated.
if they had seen fit to put "the Passion..." next to the current list of nominees, i think i just might have lost it.
God bless everyone.
(oops--did i just say a bad word?)
It should be no surprise that TPOTC was ignored by the Academy. The members are Jewish, for the most part. This movie was seen by some Jews as a personal threat. Like George Bush, TPOTC rubs Christianity in their faces, and reminds them that indeed this is a Christian country, founded on Christian principles.
And yet, the Jewish run media did not stop Mel's movie, and one suspects that they could have. Maybe it was a question of the profits winning out in the end, pun intended.
This Hollywood rejection of TPOTC is both literal and symbolic, the very reason why so much of Hollywood product is corrupt and lacking; without a spiritual foundation, storytelling is shit. And Jesus is the spiritual foundation that Jews reject. Ironic that the folks who control the media lack the key to making it work at a deeper level.
Of course Spielberg understands, since ET is an obvious Christ figure. It's okay for a Jew to utilize the paradigm as long as they don't acknowledge the founder.
Bottom line is that the Jews are our friends. That's why we're in Iraq.The Hollywood Jews are like lost children, and they spew out garbage product because they don't know any better. Their motive is profit, and they don't care about educating people with TRUTH. And in their isolation of gated communities, the Jews don't have to face the media driven crazies that they themselves have created. There is no accountability whatsoever. So, we get "heroes" like Kinsey, Chuckie, Hannibal, Larry Flynt, etc.
My understanding of sinning against the Holy Spirit is simply that of unbelief. It's the only sin for which there is no forgiveness. It merits eternal seperation from God because belief in God and the Son of God whom He sent, is the only requirement to gain eternal life in heaven with God.
No, Barb is right about The Unpardonable, although there is some debate about the specific nature of it, and whether a Christian is even able to execute The Unpardonable. The end of Romans 8 seems to assure us that "nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
She is also right about how Hollywood says that good is bad and bad is good. Hip and edgy and dark and cool means sex and violence and cynicism. Of course, whether it's "Sideways" or "Closer" or "Scarface" or "Blow", the bad people are lionized and glorified, and the good people(read most all authority figures)wind up demonized. This tears apart the very fabric of the society. Oh, the defender of Hollywood says that Scarface is a cautionary tale. Yeah, right. In the hood, everybody wants to BE Tony Montana. Some cautionary tale. It was more like a training video.You don't show two hours worth of fun, and then say that because he got shot in the end that it's a cautionary tale. The end was only two minutes long.
It takes a very high order of intellect to present the truth about evil characters. Hollywood wallows in moral relativism, thus the serial killer is "justified" because he or she was abused as a child. Stupid.
Society has the right to censor that which it deems harmful to the society itself. If unbridled moneymaking is the admitted goal of Hollywood, then it is within the rights of the government to place restrictions on any product that is deemed harmful to the populace.
The Hayes Code wasn't all bad.
Relax People!
I was disturbed too (and I anticipated too) when TPOTC was completely ignored in the Oscars.
But in the end I was relieved, is not the Academy who will decide which picture is the best, that may be a posting sign but no the definitive word about it.
Everyone of us knows in his/her heart which is the movie who touches the most.
For me, that was TPOTC. period.
Just look at what the Academy does and if we agree good, but if not, as in this particular case, nor even a hundred academies or prizes in this world could change the real fact and the real truth.
Gary from La Paz - Bolivia
Wow... you people truly scare me. I don't even know where to begin...
Should I start with the bashing of great Oscar-winning films like Sideways and Million Dollar Baby
Should I start with "indeed this is a Christian country"?
Should I start with comparing Kinsey to Hannibal Lector (why not start with the fact that Hannibal wasn't a hero)?
Or maybe I could point out the fact that "Star Wars Episode I" was the most succesful independant film in history (Lucas' own money = indie film)
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