Saturday, April 12, 2003


Last night, my friend and co-worker, David Schall, died unexpectedly. David was the principle visionary behind some of the most effective ministries for Christians working in the entertainment industry. Here follows a message written by our Board Chairman, Mac Heald, about David's passing.

Last night, we lost one of our best and, particularly difficult for us, one of our own. David Schall, the director of Inter-Mission, suffered what we are told was a massive heart attack and passed away shortly before he was to go on stage in the Actors Co-op opening night performance of Chekhov's Uncle Vanya. The cast of the show, friends and supporters gathered in the theatre to care for one another and to express our love for our friend.

As many of you know, David Schall was blessed with skills far beyond those of acting. Even before arriving in Hollywood in the early 80s, he expressed a passion to meld the immutable reach of the entertainment arts with the redemptive message of God's grace and love for the world. He co-founded Actors Co-op in 1987 and soon thereafter launched Inter-Mission, whose purposes were and still are to equip, edify and unite professionals in the entertainment industry through excellence, artistry, mutual encouragement and prayer. From Inter-Mission came Act One: Writing for Hollywood, the Hollywood Prayer Network, and the months-old Hollywood 101. Today, much because of David's God-tuned heart, our fellowship reaches a community of more than 3,500 believers in Christ who represent His love throughout the industry, to each other and to the world.

Please join me in praying for David, for his family, and for the ministries he founded.

Friday, April 11, 2003


Today, Catholic Exchange is featuring an article I wrote for Liguorian. It is basically my response to the feeling of helplessness that I encounter in many good people as regards having any real impact in the popular culture. Check it out here.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003


Here I am writing from the Great Smoky Mountains....which basically means the clammy, cold and incredibly foggy mountains. The people are lovely, though. And they tell me when the fog ever lifts, the mountains are real nice....

There is a great interview at The Voice Behind with Act One faculty member and television scribe, Dean Batali (Buffy, That 70's Show). It could probably only be rendered greater, if Dean had mentioned Act One... (He really loves us!) Check it out here.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003


I will be spending most of the month of April wandering up and down the face of the earth preaching to the Church the gospel of cultural engagement, and looking for people to send money to Act One. I can't imagine getting to see many movies or having much time to blog from my various hotel rooms. So, chances are things will be light until May.

In the meantime, pray for peace. And the conversion of Hollywood. And, well, seeing you're already praying, the Red Sox.